Anupama Okky
4 min readJul 22, 2020

With her in my hips, I walked to the balcony. A cool breeze washed over my face and I was visibly relaxed after a tiring day of exam. Phew!! This online exam is a tiring job!! She was wriggling in my arms. I placed a kiss in her forehead and sat with her in balcony. She was staring outside for a few seconds and again started to wriggle. I pointed a bird with my finger and animatedly showed her how it flies and made sounds. She was concentrating with her whole self forgetting her bubbling up hungriness. She was completely into my animated zoo; a horse, a dog,a cat, a duck and much more. Soon her mom came and took her to bath.

I turned my face back to the nature, oops!! ;back to the road. Sitting here in the seventeenth floor and looking out, I felt we are far away from the ground and so close to the sky. I hated this feeling of being aloof from the soil. But the cool breeze calmed my nerves.

A boy of age 4–5 came out to balcony in the nearby flat. I counted the windows and grill of balcony, he is the same boy in 14th floor. I recalled him. I never met this boy or his family in person. But I knew him. Some days before, when rain started to pour in, this boy suddenly came out to his balcony and started to dance and scream. His screams were even heard to this flat. That much happy he was. He was dancing with broom; moving his body along with tunes of rain. I found him to be the happiest one at that moment.

He was living in the moment. He was screaming with joy. His joy was reminding us to live in the moment, to enjoy the breeze, to smile even for the smallest things.

Looking out through grills and weaving our own stories around the people we observe is a different feeling. We become creator, a story teller and an imagining freak at the same time

A man of early thirties was running behind a girl of age 6–7 in the playing area and yelling at her to slow down. It’s sure, it’s a father - daughter duo. Girl is naughty and making his father run along with her. May be that man was a workaholic and was getting less time to spend with her angel. In early days, girl must have found dad boring and less caring, sometimes she might have felt ignored, sometimes sad. This lock down must have played an important role to tie them in a bond of friendship and fatherhood. Indeed that daughter is lucky to get time with her dad and do all the ‘masti’. I found children was the luckiest to have a lock down. They have no so called 'regular' class, but have a plenty of time to be with their family, to make memories with them .

This father-daughter duo reminds to hold together the sacred relations, to mend the broken relations, to make memories, to smile , to forget, to forgive and to love.

My imaginations are really wild. I’m cooking up stories!!!

I had never found the road ahead empty. Even in the night, trucks and containers will be in road. Cars, buses, containers, trucks, lorries, bikes, ambulances….. Everyone seems to be in hurry: in hurry to be back to home before dusk. Home, it’s a feeling of being yourself without pretending or wearing masks. Buzzing sound of ambulance shook out my thoughts. Involuntarily my hands touched my chin and neck sending a silent prayer to God. Help that stranger! Junction is again busy and horns are heard.

Take a break from busy life at times. Now, it has two reasons. To help ourselves and others from getting sick and these breaks at times, will help you to regain yourself.

Sometimes sitting idle and looking outside will make you feel more alive. Growing up in a big house surrounded by a bunch of cousins and a big family, I’m never used to be sitting idle other than study hours( without studying). Today sitting in this balcony staring at sky changing its colours, I feel the need to have some ME time. But my another part of heart hate this. I always want hustle-bustle around me. So I turned on Spotify. Music could give me the feeling of crowd.

A piece of advice to all. Learn to enjoy the hustle-bustle, to enjoy the silence. Give wings to your imaginations; this ability to imagine make you more humane. Keep patience enough to learn to enjoy heavy rain and drought with a smile and hope. I’m too learning….

This too shall pass and we will emerge out more stronger and more beautiful.



Anupama Okky

Student. Love to travel. Love to know different people and their lives. Scribble down a lot.